Call the Memory Bank phone line

Call the Memory Bank phone line

Hidden Liverpool are collecting memories of Liverpool's public buildings that are now empty or underused from offices, cinemas, churchs and shops to the local pub. Our People's History exhibition is happening this Easter and we want to bring the city's empty buildings to life by revealing those memories of what used to take place behind closed doors!

If you have a story to share about working or using a Liverpool building thats now empty we would love to hear it! We've set up a Memory Bank phoneline which you can call to share your stories. Simply call our local rate number 0151 528 2520 and record your short message. The story may even feature in the People's History exhibiton this Easter! If you have a memory which is a bit longer then you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We've already had some great stories left on the Memory Bank phone line so we look forward to hearing yours?