The Project

The Project

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Memories & Ideas

Front of a building

The Buildings

Find out about the buildings, read the stories people have left about them and leave comments on our Buildings Page

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Add Memories

Identify empty buildings that matter to you, from local pubs to grand banking halls, then share a story of when they were open.

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in schools

In Schools

Hidden Liverpool included an exciting project opportunity for Years 12 and 13.

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The Hidden Liverpool team is sad to announce that the project has now finished. Our main aim was to highlight, open up discussion and generate ideas about empty and under-used heritage buildings and sites across the city and how we might sustainably re-use them. We also brought the buildings to life by gathering peoples memories of working and socialising in those buildings before they became empty and presenting the memories as part of pop - up exhibitions, on an audio CD and in the project book.

We are very proud of what we have achieved in the past twelve months including:

3870 visitors came to our 3 pop – up exhibitions, including visitors from 28 countries.

254 people participated in 11 workshops, conversation events and walking tours

236 memories and stories were collected

39 empty buildings recorded

12 schools and colleges engaged with the project, some of those students now plan to study architecture as a result of being involved.

‘Next Steps’ our final public event gave 9 campaign groups an opportunity to seek advice from key heritage funders and marketing  specialists as well as time to share their own experiences and knowledge.

Last but not least – 50 volunteers were recruited to Hidden Liverpool plus Placed volunteers joining us to deliver the project. We could not have done this project without them and the people who kindly shared their stories and ideas with us so THANK YOU!

To discover more about what we’ve been doing why not borrow the Hidden Liverpool Book from Liverpool city libraries:

Hidden Liverpool ~ Past, present, future: Remembering and re-imagining Liverpool’s most iconic spaces.  Published by Wordscape Sept 2014 ISBN: 978-0-9930221-0-4

We’d love to know what you think of it, leave your comments on Facebook and Twitter. 

We are busy seeking further funding to extend and develop the project. Thank you to everyone who completed our survey regarding future options for the project To be kept up to date with what happens next please join our mailing list.

Latest Quote

Your project was and is one which stood out and really impressed me during my shrieval year. You really are hidden gems.

R. Ian S. Meadows OBE DL 
High Sheriff of Merseyside (during the project year) Sept 2014​

Hidden Liverpool: a project from

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